Water Quality Testing on Lake Gaston
Water Clarity
The Lake Gaston Association in concert with NCSU has a water clarity project that is ongoing by the use of volunteers across the lake. Results are provided monthly by volunteers. Measuring “water clarity” is a very simple method. You are provided with a Secchi disk and asked to lower it into the water once a week and determine the depth at which you can no longer view it. This measurement is recorded and reported to the Lake Gaston Association Environmental Committee. This data is plotted and is used to see if there is a correlation between Hydrilla/Lyngbya growth and turbid water. You should feel free to contact the Lake Gaston Association Environmental Committee for information and to volunteer.
E. Coli Sampling
The Lake Gaston Association with NCSU monitors about 25-30 sites around the lake for E-Coli. The test kits are provided by the LGA and it is simple to do the testing. The Lake Gaston Association Environmental Committee is the contact for this activity.
LGA Water Quality Project Summary – 2024