We hope you find the web site helpful seeking information on the fight of nuisance weeds in Lake Gaston. If the information you are looking for is not available then contact the director in your county on the directors page.
The primary function of the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council is to establish policies and procedures focused on promoting research, control, and /or eradication of undesirable aquatic weeds within Lake Gaston and to improve the quality of the water related to pollution control in and around Lake Gaston.
To promote research, control or eradicate undesirable aquatic weeds, improve the quality of water and control pollution in and around Lake Gaston. This mission will be accomplished by serving as an advisory council and making recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners in North Carolina and the Board of Supervisors in Virginia and by making recommendations to all local, state, and federal agencies concerned with quality of human life, water, pollution, recreation, wildlife, fish and fishing conditions, in and around Lake Gaston.
It is "illegal" to take by any method Grass Carp from Lake Gaston in both Virginia and North Carolina. It is also "illegal" to be in possession of Grass Carp on Lake Gaston in both Virginia and North Carolina.
...View some Lyngbya Quick Facts
The interactive lyngbya treatment sites map has been updated for 2024. Here is a link to it.
Follow this link for information about permitting along the shoreline of Lake Gaston or Roanoke Rapids Lake.
...Lake Gaston and Roanoke Rapids Lake Permitting | Dominion Energy
Lake Gaston Weed Control Council
Jeff Zimmer
Treasurer of LGWCC
Phone: Wally Sayko: (434) 774-0715
E-mail: info@LGWCC.org
Report Issues with Aquatic Plants on Lake Gaston
To report aquatic plant issues on Lake Gaston, please fill in the following form:
NCSU Lake Gaston Extension Agent
Lake Gaston Weed Control Meeting
LGWCC RFP for Chemical Contract for 2025
2024 Volunteer Survey Form Link
Lake Gaston Habitat Enhancement 2024 Project
Lyngbya Treatment Activity Press Release for 2024
2024 Lyngbya Treatments
Week Beginning:
2024 Hydrilla Treatments
All boat docks to be treated will be posted by PLM.
Treatment Dates:
Our Board of Directors is made up of representatives of the five (5) counties of Virginia and North Carolina surrounding the waters of Lake Gaston. VA counties include Brunswick & Mecklenburg - NC counties include Halifax, Northampton, & Warren.
Our Board of Directors...The overall goal of Aquatic Plant Management on Lake Gaston is to develop & maintain a healthy lake ecosystem based on a diverse plant community dominated by native species. A Technical Advisory Group & our Stakeholders take part in the planning process.
More Details...LGWCC works with many organizations in order to come up with plans for weed control on Lake Gaston. The Technical Advisory Group, our Stakeholders, Lake Gaston Association and PLM Lake & Land Management Corporation are all key players.
Resource Info...